Sunday 12 February 2012

A Cold Winter's hike

 Day 9 of no running water at home and of freezing temperatures. Rather than stay at the apartment and stare at the faucets, praying for the thaw, I decided to go hiking near the village of Fontaine de Vaucluse.  Even the day temperatures are below zero...

And even as low as 300m in altitude there's snow on the ground...

 And what's supposed to be a spring in the mountains has frozen for the time being...

 The rotting sqaush on the side of the hiking paths, placed by the hunters awaiting the wild boar (not really fair, is it?).

 Once up on the plateaus you can see part of the 300 year-old plague wall (far background), built in 1720 when the plague last reached Provence, to keep the sickness out of the region.